Prabhakaran Captured??

An unconfirmed report says Prabhakaran is captured by the Government forces at early hours today 16th May. Government is waiting for the President to return from Jordan and address the nation. Government sources said a final announcement of the rebel’s defeat was due to be made by President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is currently on a visit to Jordan and was due back in Sri Lanka Sunday morning. It is now clear that Prabhakaran is dead.The kith and kin of LTTE top leaders including VP have moved to the Army held area with forged identities. The army is now in the process of identifying them. Soosei earlier reported to have literally handed-over his family to the Navy (but reported as captured by the Navy). Some of the self-appointed LTTE Colonels, middle range leaders and regional level leaders have been surrendered to SLA . A group of self proclaimed “Government Doctors” has also turned themselves in to the forces of the 58th division.


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