Rayappu Joseph wants ‘Neutral’ zone!

According to official figures from the United Nations over the last two and a half months more than 85000 people have been displaced as they had fled their homes in the north . The area controlled by tiger terrorists is a battlefield where the population is fleeing from one place to another, and where it is even difficult to bring aid from humanitarian organizations. Asia.net states Sri Lanka Army is blocking humanitarian aid, claiming that it is going to the rebels. However, the government says it has proof that most of the humanitarian aid for civilians has been taken by tiger terrorists.

Meanwhile, Rayappu Joseph, the bishop of Mannar, has asked the government to study how it could guarantee security and safety for civilians in the northern part of the country, and permit the United Nations and humanitarian groups to bring them the food they need. He has also asked that a ‘neutral’ zone be set up in each of the three districts where fighting is taking place.

However, neutral analysts say the Bishop of Mannar is making such a request to appease the tiger organization. At a time when the army is gaining ground and retaking villages and the tiger organization is facing defeat the bishop has come forward to get a breathing-pace for the fleeing tigers they point out reminding that the Bishop of Mannar had, on several occasions, come to the rescue of the tiger terrorist movement.


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