Russia pledges fullest support for Sri Lanka’s struggle against terror

[ad#200×200]Russian government has endorsed the measures taken by Sri Lankan government against terrorism and pledged its fullest support to the endeavor. This was revealed when Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Sri Lanka, Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa met with the Russian government officials during an official visit to Russia recently.

On a special invitation made by Russian Minister of Defence Anatoliy Serdyukov, the Sri Lankan Defence Secretary embarked on this visit with a high-powered delegation. The Sri Lankan delegation was welcomed with special honors at the Red Square and Kremlin and had the opportunity to hold discussions with Russian Defence Ministry officials and officials of few other establishments.

During the visit, Defence Secretary Rajapaksa met Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov and had bilateral discussions. During the discussions, the Russian government viewed Sri Lanka’s struggle against terrorism similar to the measures taken in the past by Russia to defeat Chechnya terrorists. Also, Russian government pledged all measures will be taken to provide military technology and expertise to Sri Lanka in its endeavor.

Sri Lankan ambassador to Russia, Udayanga Weeratunge accompanied the Defence Secretary during this visit.

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