Serbia shuts down LTTE radio Voice of Tigers

After exposing that Voice of Tigers (VoT) is the official radio of the banned terrorist outfit LTTE, the Serbian authorities have taken prompt action to cease the transmission of the radio station which broadcasted its programmes from 1st June up to 9th June. According to reliable sources, the Government of Serbia has terminated the broadcast license granted to VoT to retransmit to Europe, North Africa and Middle East via Serbian satellite.

It is reported that several influential contacts have helped the LTTE to obtain the transmission license to broadcast of Tamil FM Radio through Serbian satellite. However, the Serbian authorities were not aware of the true nature of the contents of VoT and the moment they realized the connection between the VoT and the LTTE, the transmission was terminated.

Earlier the LTTE used the US based INTELSAT-12 for their radio and television transmissions which was banned later by the authorities with the unveiling of that these stations are solely carrying out a propaganda mission of the proscribed terrorists outfit distorting the real image of Sri Lanka in favour of the terrorists.

The second attempt of the LTTE to resume their transmissions through the Hong Kong based AsiaSat, using a third party to obtain a satellite loop was also ceased with the timely revelation of the true nature of broadcast material.

Last month, the LTTE, though influential contacts in the Middle East, obtained the services of EU TELSAT in Serbia for the transmission of a newly set up radio station named Tamil FM Radio. However, within a few days it became known that the Tamil FM Radio is nothing but the VoT, the official broadcast station of the LTTE. When the Serbian authorities realized that the transmission was promoting terrorism, the agreement was terminated.

With these setbacks in their propaganda mechanisms experts point out that the LTTE terrorists may be eyeing on setting up a new radio or TV channel using some other name via a different satellites. Experts are also of the view that a international regulatory mechanism is urgently needed to prevent terrorist organizations from using radio and television waves for propaganda.

Courtesy : Government Information Department

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