Sri Lanka Navy on the watch out to prevent the escape of V. Prabhakaran by the Sea

[ad#200×200] The Sri Lanka Navy has been put on alert to avert any attempt of escape of the Tamil Tiger Supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran (54), by the sea Defence sources said.

The beleaguered Supremo of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam is currently believed holed up in a secret bunker in the thicket of Mullaittivu while the LTTE is going to face the brunt of seven divisions of the army, namely division 55,53,58,57,59 and task force 3 and 4 all marching toward Mullaittivu from seven sides.

“The Sri Lankan Navy has been put on alert to prevent any attempt by Prabhakaran or any other LTTE senior leaders escaping by sea,” the State owned ITN quoted Navy spokesman Captain D.K.P.Dassanayaka having said.

Dassanayaka told the television, “We have our fast attack craft, speed boats, radars and other equipment keeping watch throughout 24 hours.” The naval craft have been placed in four rings within 25 nautical miles from the Mullaittivu coast.

The naval blockade has been imposed around the Mulaitivu coast , the only remaining hideout of the Tamil Tigers.

The Sri Lankan Army Commander, Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka few weeks ago said he must be hiding inside the Mullaittivu area.

The Navy spokesman said that the Tamil Tiger Supremo is expected to attempt an escape with his wife and two children.

By Walter Jayawardhana

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