Sri Lankans in Perth protest against Australian media channel ABC

The Sri Lankan living in Perth, Australia, launched a protest campaign against ABC Media Chanel in Perth on Saturday accusing the ABC of biased reporting.

Hundreds of Sri Lankans wavig placards and shouting slogans gathered in Perth to protest the ABC media accusing the news service of catering to the Tamil Tigers and requesting it to gets its facts right.

The organizers also handed over a letter of protest to the Agent of the ABC Chanel.

The letter protested at the programs recently aired by the ABC in support of the false accusations by the supporters of the LTTE terrorist organization aimed at destabilizing Sri Lanka.

“You have been a gullible accomplice to this ruse by your bland acceptance of the claims made by two Australian citizens who travelled to Sri Lanka to aid and abet a terror outfit which killed hundreds and thousands of innocent people in that country for three decades,” the letter said.

“You are giving ample publication to the vilification campaign funded by the LTTE to negate the attempts being made by Sri Lanka to do their task of rehabilitating the former combatants including hundreds of children who were trained as suicide bombers,” the letter accused the Australian media channel.

“By giving uninterrupted publicity to their propaganda campaign you are inadvertently aiding the LTTE which is active overseas to cause a rift between the Rajapaksa government and the international community,” the organizers warned in their letter.
“It is nothing but a part of their overall strategy to isolate post-war Sri Lanka,” the letter pointed out.

(Photos by Sudath Silva)





Sri Lankan Directory Australia

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