Sri Lankan Troops capture Puliyankulam

[ad#200×200]Troops of Task Force 2 engaged in an offensive thrust against LTTE terrorists added more significance to the Wanni offensive operation as troops gained control over the Puliyankulam area this afternoon, 04 December.

According to the defence sources, troops of 8th Sinha Regiment (SR) and 7th Signal Corps (SLSC) attached to 621 Brigade have gained control over 8.5 Km stretch of Jaffna – Kandy (A-9) main road northwards from Omanthai entry / exit point.

Troops are now consolidating their positions along the stretch of A-9 between Omanthai and Puliyankulam.

LTTE terrorists had established road blocks along this stretch of A-9 and had collected millions of money as “taxes” from the innocent Tamil civilians traveled passing the stretch during the unsuccessful Ceasefire Agreement (CFA), military sources said.

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