Tamil Nadu protests led by Karunanidhi exercise in favour of LTTE terrorists

– Janatha Party President: President of the Indian Janatha Party Dr Subramanian Swamy said that the protest mounted by Tamil Nadu politicians led by the Chief Minister Muthuvel Karunanidhi is not a genuine representation of Tamils but just a minor group favouring the LTTE.

[ad#200×200]In an Interview with the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Dr Swami said that these Tamil Nadu politicians making accusations against the Government of Sri Lanka ‘do not have guts to admit that they are representing the unholy aspirations of the LTTE terrorists.

“The people who are supposed to be supporters of LTTE do not directly speak in favour of the LTTE; they hide behind the frame and say that Tamil people are being killed. I do not think there is any support whatsoever for the LTTE within India,” janata Prty leader said.

“LTTE are known as killers and they killed Rajiv Gandhi for which we will never forgive them,” Dr Swamy added.

Janatha Party President said they are looking forward to the day that Sri Lanka will extradite Prabhakaran and Pottu Amman to India after capturing them so that India could proceed with the legal process against them.

In his interview with SLBC, Dr. Swami noted that the sole purpose of Karunanidhi is to divert the attention of the Tamil Nadu people towards another direction from local issues, as he has failed to keep up the promises he made to his people.

He said that all these attempts prompted by Karunanidhi to cover up his defeat in court for the “Sethusamudram case” and his inability to address the economic problems in Tamil Nadu such as “frequent power cuts”.

Dr. Subraminiam Swami also noted that Karunanidhi will tear up the resignation letters of his Tamil Nadu parliamentarians immediately after the Government of India and Sri Lanka initiate discussions pertaining to the issue irrespective of the outcome of the discussions.

Meanwhile, the Hindu reported that Janata Party president has urged the Centre to dismiss the DMK regime in Tamil Nadu as it was indulging in “anti-national” activities through its “support” to the banned Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) by asking India to intervene to halt attacks against the militants in Lanka.

It was “unacceptable” that the DMK was trying to destabilise the UPA government on the Sri Lankan Tamils issue and its chief M. Karunanidhi’s concern for the sufferings of Tamils there was “bogus,” The Hindu reported yesterday.


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