Tamil Tiger mobs repeats attack on Kingsbury Buddhist Temple-London

A suspected gang of Tamil Tiger supporters has once again attacked the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre (SSIBC) popularly known as “Kingsbury Buddhist Temple-London” in the wee hours of Wednesday (Today) May 14th.

This attack by Tamil Tiger supporters caused damage to the glass windows, panels and the building. No one, including the residing monks, was injured and London Metropolitan Police were called immediately to the temple premises around 3.15 am.

This is the seventh (7th) time Kingsbury temple has come under physical attack and on numerous other occasions, suspects have stolen the Sri Lankan flag which is always displayed on the post in front of the temple, along with the British and Buddhist flags. Previous attacks caused severe damage to the building, glass windows and vehicles parked outside.

Meanwhile, the Sri Lankan High Commissioner in London, Nihal Jayasinghe has vehemently condemned the Wednesday morning attack on the temple. The High Commissioner also called this continuous vandalism a denial of pluralism. He further expressed his displeasure on previous lacklustre investigations carried out by the authorities and their inability to take any action in bringing the culprits to justice.

Multi-faith religious leaders, organisations and peace loving local community leaders strongly condemn this brutal attack and are providing their fullest support to the temple.

There have been many attacks on Buddhist temples, Sri Lankan Sinhalese shops and businesses, innocent Sinhala residents, houses, vehicles as well as London based Sri Lankan community leaders who oppose Tamil Tiger activities in the UK.

Kingsbury Buddhist temple was subjected to an arson attack in January 2009 and all other previous incidents were reported and so far no positive action has been taken by the Police.

A devotee of the temple said that the community is devastated by this incident at a peaceful religious place and expect firm action from the authorities. Whenever Sri Lankan forces capture Tamil Tiger strongholds in quick succession, angry terrorist sympathizers retaliate at soft targets in major cities in the Western world.

In recent times, Tamil Tiger supporters have attacked Sri Lanka High Commission, India High Commission and Chinese Embassy in London and caused much damage. They also beheaded the Sri Nehru statue in front of the India House in London. In Europe they have attacked Sri Lankan embassies in Norway, Netherlands, Paris and also attacked the Paris Buddhist Temple in France.

By Janaka Alahapperuma-London

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