Thai gem and jewellery men want red tape removed

Sri Lankan businessmen in Thailand involved in the gem and jewellery sector are requesting that red tape be removed to achieve further growth in the industry.

Managing Director Try Once Gems and Jewellery, Bangkok, M. Z. M. Feroze said that sometimes they feel that a Gem Authority is not needed.

“The Gem Authority should play a vital role to iron out these delays and red tape to promote the industry. We have been given so many promises by successive officials but none have materialised,” he said.

“The main reason is the delay at the Customs and uncalled for red tape when clearing items,” he said. “Back in Thailand, there is no authority and things are moving smoothly,” he said.

Another investor based in Thailand said the biggest mining company in Thailand is keen to invest in Sri Lanka. “They want land to do gem mining and they have guaranteed that when they finish with the project, the site would be converted to a Golf course. Three similar projects have been completed by this company in Thailand,” he said.

Chairman of the National Gem and Jewellery Authority, Hasitha Tillekeratne who also attended this meeting held at the Sri Lankan Embassy said that action is being taken to iron out delays.

“By end of next month we will allow to carry hand samples,” he said. He also said very soon river gem mining in Kalu Ganga will become a reality.

“In addition we will also auction more land for mining this year,” he said.

He said the Authority was established by an Act replacing the Gem Corporation in 1993. “We are there to protect and promote investments,” he said. Plans are also afloat for Sri Lankan craftsmen to visit Thailand this year.

“Thailand technology is very superior and we want to share it,” he said.

Shirajiv SIRIMANE in Thailand

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