The JVP condemned a statement made by US Ambassador: Colombo

[ad#200×200]The JVP condemned a statement made by US Ambassador in Colombo Robert Blake, during an interactive session at Madras University. JVP says that the US Ambassador has made a very serious statement concerning the national problem of Sri Lanka. We condemn Mr. Blake’s interference in the internal matters of the country through that statement, the JVP said in a statement.

The statement further said: He had also stated that the tactical relationship between the US and India could be used for the advantage of Sri Lanka.

We see this statement as not only subversive to Sri Lanka but also to other countries in the region.

The tactical relationship between the US and India is to establish Indo-US imperialism in the region and therefore such statements should be condemned not only by Sri Lanka but other countries in the region as well. We should unite to prevent such an eventuality.

We the JVP are of the firm belief that no other country whether it be the US or India has any right to influence the Sri Lankan government on how to solve our national question. If anyone is against the military action undertaken by the Sri Lankan government against terrorism they are aiding terrorists. We also stress that the Sri Lankan government does not have any other option but to defeat terrorism since the LTTE is committed to terrorism and the creation of a separate state.

Mr. Blake had also said the Sri Lankan government should not waste time in militarily trying to defeat the LTTE and should work towards a political solution. ? He should realize that successive Sri Lankan governments have wasted time for the last 20 years to discuss political solutions that were imposed on Sri Lanka by the so called international community and not to militarily defeat the LTTE.

Mr. Blake together with India is now getting ready to drag Sri Lanka back to discussing so called political solutions. The Mahinda Rajapaksa government which is talking of political solutions with the so called international community, when the security forces are engaged in defeating terrorism, is undermining the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the nation. We emphasize that reactionary foreign governments and organizations are trying to make this government dance to their tune.

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