Tigers halt INGOs from moving heavy vehicles in Wanni

[ad#200×200]International Aid agencies, which have been asked by the Government to leave Wanni and relocate their offices in the safer perimeters in view of an LTTE attempt to create collateral damage are reportedly in a dilemma over their heavy vehicles and equipments, news sources from Wanni report.

Earlier, INGOs were requested by the Government to vacate the tensed and non-liberated Wanni area along with their vehicles and equipment, preventing them falling into the LTTE’s hands. According to informed sources, LTTE has issued terrifying notices to officials of the organizations, not to remove their vehicles and equipments if they leave Wanni.

Defence observers are of the view, that it is the total responsibility of the INGOs and UN aid agencies that took the vehicles to Wanni to prevent them from being used by the LTTE for its most ruthless terror activities against both civilians and military.

If they had not been in a position to take the responsibility for their vehicles and other assets, they should not have taken them there. The military believes, according to sources, the INGOs are not in a position to remove their vehicles etc. to the cleared areas, as they are already being used by the LTTE, which also commandeered several heavy vehicles belonging to the Norwegian People’s Aid.

The LTTE is believed to have used some of the INGO vehicles to construct defences and dig trenches stretching as far as 20km to prevent the Army from advancing.

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