Tigers Supply Weapons to Besieged Civilians to Fight Troops

[ad#200×200] MULLAITTIVU: AS heroic ground troops are on the verge of sweeping through the few remaining Tamil Tiger strongholds, now confined to less than 300 square kilometers, Tiger terrorists have begun to apply their macabre and Machiavellian grand but inhuman designs, the latest being the forced arming of entrapped civilians while inciting them to fire against troops approaching towards the eastern part of RAMANADANPURAM, to the south of A-35 PARANTHAN-MULLAITTIVU road.

The latest ruse came to light at the break of Tuesday (3) morning with the arrival of a group of civilians. Accordingly civilians trying to cross into cleared areas, held by the Army were threateningly stalled and forcibly supplied them with LTTE weapons, instead, forcing them to return against their will and show off as they were sympathetic and supportive of the terrorist cause and the organization. Some of those innocent civilians have been reportedly ordered to kneel down and point the guns forced on them by Tigers towards their opposite side as rehearsals before the signal for actual firing is given. LTTE Terrorist

“Tigers as the last resort want to show the world that civilians are behind their losing battle and enthusiastically fight against the government troops. They force those besieged civilians to hold LTTE guns and pistols towards advancing troops without letting them to move out from their detention. This could be one of their (LTTE) final strategies,” a senior military source told the www.army.lk.

Some civilians were quoted saying that some of his young relatives have already been sent to the LTTE front lines with T-56 type weapons, though they knew nothing about those weapons. Tigers apparently panicking with the fast depletion of their numbers in every terrorist wing are reportedly trying to raise the morale of their remaining cadres, by resorting to these types of inhuman tricks and gimmicks.

“Instead of allowing them to enter into the ‘safe zone’ Tigers were desperately trying to cause mayhem and bloodbath and blame the Army troops in return as the troops were now closing in on the final stage. This is the use of civilians as cannon fodder, in a way,” the sources further added.


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