Troops uncover an LTTE submersible vehicle

THE FIRST ever fully-geared LTTE submarine that had been submerged in the sea water a few metres off the coast of VELLAMULLIVAIKKAL was found by the Task Forces 8 troops Sunday (14) afternoon following a piece of information given by a terrorist in custody.

The complete submarine with one seat is about 24 ft in length and 4 ft in height.

It had reportedly been used by the LTTE, most probably their senior cadres, for clandestine sea movements before the LTTE was wiped out from the soil.

It is further believed that the submarine found closer to the former location of the FARAH-3 ship had been made ready for LTTE leadership to escape via sea. However speedy advance of the troops had not permitted the terrorists to put the plan into action.

Sri Lanka Army

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