The unfolding mystery of mercenary Ukrainian Pilot

[ad#200×200]Finally, the last bit of confirmation regarding the LTTE’s use of mercenaries and further confirmation of the downing of the Zlin 143 has come to light. The first group of civilians to escape the LTTE’s clutches recently and reach Weli Oya last week confirmed both the above findings.

According to these civilians who undertook a perilous journey by sea to escape the LTTE, the Zlin 143 had crashed into the premises of the Iranapalai Roman Catholic School. Relatives and friends of the escapees had been eyewitnesses to the carnage caused by the crashing plane. The crash site is a clearing along the Puthukudiirippu-Iranapalai road in Mulaitivu District, which area is loosely inhabited jungle.

The first to arrive at the crash site had been civilians in the neighboring areas who had seen two dead men inside the cockpit, one a white Caucasian and the other a South Asian. They had gathered from the LTTE units, including the LTTE paramilitaries who had arrived shortly at the scene to cordon-off the area, that the Caucasian was a Ukrainian national. The LTTE had then removed all civilian spectators and prevented them from leaving the area by appointing a day-night watch, cutting-off routes even inside the jungle. Read Full Article >> (Defencewire)

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